Episode 135: Divorcing Over the Holidays Sucks. (Emotional Support)

In this episode of How Not To Suck At Divorce, we dive into handling the tough emotions that can arise during the holiday season when you're going through a divorce. We know it’s not easy, and we’ve got your back!

In this episode, you'll learn how to:

  1. Embrace the sadness – Don’t fight it. We talk about why feeling sad is totally normal and how pushing those feelings down will only make them linger longer.

  2. Move your body – It doesn’t have to be anything intense, but a little walk can go a long way in helping clear your mind and improve your mood.

  3. Shift your focus – Find a project, something to get your hands on, like a craft or home project, to take your mind off the stress and give you a sense of accomplishment.

  4. Get out there – Even if it's just for a short time, saying yes to an invite and getting dressed can help break the isolation and give you a sense of normalcy.

So, if the holidays are feeling heavy or you’re just struggling to cope, listen in for some practical tips and support to make it through. We get it – divorce is a marathon, not a sprint, and we’ve got you every step of the way.

Links to the amazing products discussed in episodes:

Morgan’s Wreath Making YouTube Channel: (just kidding, but follow us on YouTube!)

Our Divorce Crash Course was designed to hold your hand through the process and help you avoid major and expensive mistakes. Learn more here: https://www.hownottosuckatdivorce.com/divorce-crash-course

Our Family Wizard is another fantasitc resource for those who need help navigating the "fun" world of coparenting. Head to this landing page to see how we work closely with them to support our listeners! http://www.ourfamilywizard.com/notsuck

Friends, slide into our dms, we love love love hearing from you. We are always here to listen and help in any way we can. You've got this and we've got you.

Instagram: @hownotosuckatdivorce

Follow Andrea: @theandrearappaport

Follow Morgan: @divorceattorneychicago


Episode 136: How Do I Know if it's Time to Get Divorced?


Episode 134: When Your Kids Don't Want to Go To the Coparent's House (Divorce Tips)