Episode111: What to Consider About the Summer (Divorce Tips!)

Summer’s almost here folks, and you know what that means...camps, vacations..and your divorce, oh my!

Not to mention: the DREADED parenting agreements. One of Andrea’s least favorite topics but something we HAVE to talk about. We talk about the significance of communication and flexibility in establishing summer parenting schedules, and the legal implications of these changes. We also dive into the complexities of co-parenting during summer, including summer camps, child support, and travel logistics. 

In this episode you’ll learn: 

*The challenges of balancing work and children's needs during the summer, especially for working and single parents

*Suggestions for getting help with childcare during the summer

*The importance of creativity and flexibility

*Examples of creative modifications to summer parenting schedules and the importance of communication between parents

*Practical approaches to managing summer activities, like summer camps, co-parenting logistics, and managing expectation

*Strategies for initiating conversations with co-parents about travel plans and managing summer camp choices.

And friend that barely scratches this surface in this jam packed mini episode!

Don't forget to check out the DCC, honey, you need this! : https://www.hownottosuckatdivorce.com/divorce-crash-course

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Episode112: Mediation Prep That Will be Crucial to Your Case


Episode110: The Parenting Agreement (Biggest Divorce Mistakes) With Dr Malissa Tigges - special re airEmbedEdit