save thousands on your divorce


Going through a divorce can be chaotic, and emotionally and financially draining. Save your sanity and thousands of dollars in unnecessary attorney fees by taking the Divorce Crash Course.


Divorce Crash Course

offers you STRAIGHTFORWARD, PRACTICAL GUIDANCE from one of the country’s most sought-after divorce attorneys (Morgan Stogsdill) and a mom who went through the process (Andrea Rappaport) WITHOUT this knowledge and knows the pain and price tag associated with big mistakes.

What you’ll learn

Meet your guides

Morgan & Andrea

Morgan is a high-profile attorney and Andrea is a high-profile comedian. Together, they host the popular podcast How Not To Suck At Divorce.

Andrea completely sucked at her divorce and wish she had met Morgan sooner and learned what she knows now. They’ve helped thousands of people not suck at their divorce and now they’re here to help you, too.

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Going through a divorce can be chaotic, and emotionally and financially draining. Save your sanity and thousands of dollars in unnecessary attorney fees by taking the Divorce Crash Course.